Wednesday, January 11, 2006

It's 2006! What is going on in my life?!

Hello to everyone in Blog land!

Well, it's been a long, long, long, long time sice I have posted anything on my BLOG. I figure that I do have the space and it is about time that I start writing again.

So, first off, it is a new year. With this brand new year, I have many goals/resolutions which, I feel, are attainable. Here they are:

1. Buy a new car (I love my Blazer, but it is really falling apart)
2. Go back to school (It's about time that I further my education)
3. Get my registry in Histotechnology (This way I can be certified in making histology slides)
4. Go to the gym more often (I already go 2 to 3 times a week; I would like to go about 5)
5. Quit any bad habits (Just a few that I won't talk about, but they are there)
6. Go to Church as often as I can (Something I really didn't do in '05)
7. Sit down and practice my music (I play the Piano, Clarinet, Guitar, and Bass Guitar)
8. Read a little bit more for leisure
9. Clean and liquidate a large portion of crap I have accumulated for the last 24 years of my life
(Basically, I am a huge Pack Rat)
10. Be nice and good to people, especially people I really don't like and also to my friends.
11. Find a new job if I don't feel I am being challenged or using my degree.

So, as of January 11, today, I feel that I am coming along with all of these things.

I am saving up money for my car and school. I am starting inroads to get my masters. I bought a few books and searched some websites about training programs for the gym. I have cleaned a bit in my bedroom, 3 more rooms to go. Currently reading the new Anne Rice novel about Jesus. I went to Church for Theophany. I was nice to my friend Mitch the other day. I cleaned out a few drawers and threw stuff away.

So, YES, I feel that 2006 is going in the right direction.

Take care for now,


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