Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Back to the beginning...

So, yeah, it's been two weeks and no BLOG entry on this thing from me in a while. I am now back at the beginning like I was New Years Day. I am getting over being sick; I am still unemployed; I have not studied for the MCAT; I have not touched my piano; I have not exercised in a week. Yeah, I really suck at reaching my goals. But, optimistically, it is only January 19th. I will get there.

I think I am going to add a new resolution for the Year. This one is to get to know the Russian part of my heritage. I am really fed up with the Greek community, especially in Chicago. Not all of it, just the part of it that thinks they are high society. As my dear Auntie Adeline said, "How can there be a 'Greek High Society?' The Greeks came from the mountains and herded goats before coming to America?!" Auntie Adeline, you are right. Granted, I do like my Greek heritage, but I think I am going to research the Russian. As it is, my last name IS Russian. So there you have it.

Once again, feel free to leave comments. I am game for discussion.


Friday, January 07, 2005

Day Four and Day Five

ur So, Wednesday was a really long yet fun night. You gotta love free cigarettes and dollar drinks on a Wednesday night. Once again, not that much accomplished on my long term goals of 2005, but, the year is still young.

Thursday, I did the unimaginable. I went to the Sporting goods store and, yes, I bought one of those bench things and also a 100lb barbell set. It took forever to put the bench together, but when I was done, it didn't fall apart or anything. Then i started fooling around the barbell thing. As of now, I can bench 30lbs, granted I didn't try anything more than 5lb weights on either side of the bar. Hey, I am just beginning and it is a work in progress. We'll see where this fitness thing leads me.

It is Friday and this evening will be more fun. So much fun that I think I will need to go to Church on Sunday.

Speakin of which, Happy Name Day to anyone named John today. Just a random thing.

OK, bye for now.

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Day Three

OK, so, yesterday was very unsuccessful on my resolutions. Due to a somewhat wild night on Monday, I needed to take a nap. So, I did around 6:30 and then woke up around 9:15. Yeah, no exercising or studying nor piano playing. But, it is only January 5th. I will succeed.

So, this next part of the entry is dedicated to Mariah. Mariah, I don't think you are a freak. I just wrote that on your BLOG because you did that on mine. You seem pretty normal for a 15 year old. As for me, I really do not follow the crowd in any way. I believe I am my own person and will not jump off a bridge if the gang is doing it. I do, though, believe in lots of sarcasm. Me saying how I did this because my friends were on it was just a joke. In actuality, I always wanted to have a website-thing and when my friends told me about this, I thought it would be great. So, sorry for all the misunderstanding. Hopefully we can be friends on this thing. How are things going on with your best friend? I was reading the last entry of your BLOG the other day. OK, hopefully everything is moderately ok now.

So, at work at the moment. Need to get back to whatever I do to get a paycheck. Maybe I'll get some studying in.

Until then,

Day Two

So, the second day on the BLOG, and look at all the drama. Wow, I know I am somewhat controversial, and I must say this is great.

So, after some thought, I have decided to make this BLOG somewhat of a journal that helps me to keep my New Year's Resolutions on the right track. "And what are these 'resolutions' you speak of?" one may ask. Well, here they are as follows:

1. Study my butt off for the MCAT.
2. Apply to Medical School somewhere on this planet.
3. Get into really serious shape for the ladies.
4. Expand my piano repetoire.

So, I really do think these are realistic and achievable goals. This BLOG, so you the reader know, will eventually be a reference for all you need to know on the MCAT and also a log of how I am getting into uber shape. I think this will work and I am up for many challenges this year. So, with that, I am going to study for the physics section of the test.

Until tomorrow, the freak is signing off.

Monday, January 03, 2005

Day One

Hey. Just thought I would start Y2K05 with something that is moderately technologically advanced. Two of my friends have these BLOG things and I have to be like my friends or else I am not super cool. There will be more to come.

Adios for now.